Sunday, November 15, 2009

Owyhee Motorcycle Club Motocross

The Smokefree83 Racing Team attended the Annual Turkey Motocross Race at Owyhee Motorcycle Club in Boise on 15 November.

This weekend proved once again that the sport of motocross is filled with participants of heart and desire. Despite the chilly temperatures, the turn out of racers and spectators was awesome. Motocross is a family sport and this event clarifies it every year. The Turkey Race is a fun event that encourages first time racers to come out and test their skills, for free. Turkeys were given for overall places instead of trophies.

New comers and family members lined the side of the track on Sunday after an hour delay to allow the track to thaw out a little. The ground was frozen in the morning, which makes for some dangerous riding. The snack shack was selling hot chocolate and the pits were filled with camp fires most of the day to help take the chill off.

I had a great first moto. I came out of the first turn in fifth place and worked my way up to take second. Some areas of the track became a little slippery once the sun started to shine on the ground. I was happy to keep my bike on two wheels and finish the moto safely.

The second moto was even better. I had a solid start out of the gate and my Project Filter backed YZ250F launched me up the two hundred yard sandy uphill to take a nice holeshot. I held the lead for two laps and then faded to third. I finished second overall, which earned me a 13 pound turkey for the holidays.

Once again I would like to thank Project Filter for their support and for the opportunity to be a part of the Smoke Free Idaho campaign. This puts a wrap on the season for me. Stay Smoke Free and check back for an update on the 2010 season...

Friday, September 25, 2009

The Womens Fitness Celebration

Another great experience! The Smokefree83 Team set up the Project Filter booth at the Women's Fitness Celebration. We supported the event, in the Boise Center Grove, both Thursday and Friday evening. This gave us a chance to meet some awesome people which included many of the celebration participants.
The Women's Fitness Celebration is an outstanding event and I applaud all of the participants (11 thousand. Unbelievable)! The positive , healthy energy was contagious at this event and the interest in Project Filter and the fight against tobacco was overwhelming.
Thank You to all that stopped by to say Hi and to all of you that signed the bike. I consider all of you a part of the team and it is a good feeling to know that you are all riding with me in this fight for a Smoke Free Idaho.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Big Nasty Hill Climb 2009

The Smokefree83 Team and the Project Filter crew was on site for the 2009 Big Nasty Hill Climb. What a cool experience! An estimated fifteen thousand fans and several hundred riders were brought together for the three day event which was sponsored by Project Filter.
I climbed the hill for the first time ever on Friday night. I will have to admit I was a little worried as I sat against the start block for the first run. My first run wasn't quite what I had hoped for but it got the butterflies out so that I could get down to business. I made a total of four runs for the two classes that I competed in. I improved on each run and ended up with a trophy for third place overall in my class. I didn't make it clear over the top, in fact, there was only one rider that did make it on a 250cc machine (the reigning champion Shane Donaka). Although I was happy with my results I was wishing for one more run.
I spent the rest of the weekend working in the Project Filter booth and supporting Matt who competed in Saturdays events. Matt had a great weekend but I wont steal his thunder , you'll have to read his blog...
I had the chance to sign some autographs and talk to several of you about the Project Filter Program. It is always fun to get the chance to meet and greet. I enjoy helping people understand and being able to share the benefits available to them through Project Filter. Thank You for coming out.
This event wraps up the 2009 racing season for me. I want to thank all of you who came out and supported us, Project Filter and the Smokefree83 Racing Team.
Thank you Project Filter for offering this excellent program for the State of Idaho and for your sponsorship support this season. It was incredible!
I may ride in the Annual Turkey Race at Owyhee Motorcyle Club in November, Ill keep you posted.
Other than that, "See ya next season"...

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Idaho State Motocross Series Final Round

The eighth and final round of the Idaho State Championship Series is officially over. I am proud to announce that I am the 2009 Idaho State Champion in the Over 40B Class that I participated in throughout this season.
This final round was held at Owyhee Motorcycle Club in Boise. It was a one day event to seat all the qualified riders for their final awards and allow some participants that were still battleing for points to have it out.
It was a great turn out of riders and spectators to watch some great racing come to an end. It was an awesome finish to an excellent season of motocross racing.
I would like to thank all of you who came out to the races and all who were pulling for the Smokefree83 team throughout this season. We could not have done it without you.
I would also like to thank my wife Ann and our children for coming out to the races with me. They endured the dust and dirt, rain and wind and even a little sunshine from time to time with no complaints. Motocross is a family sport and it is alot more fun and rewarding having your family involved. I wouldn't do it any other way. Thank You Ann, Nate, Emily, Lindsay, Elyssa, and Mallory. You are awesome!
Thank You "Project Filter" for sponsoring me. Project Filter is an outstanding program and is a huge asset to the State of Idaho in a widespread battle to be Smoke Free. The program is amazing and the people within the organization are very professional and easy to work with. I am proud to represent Project Filter and I look forward to next season with you...
So, Big Nasty Anyone? Yes, the Project Filter Smokefree83 Team is headed to the Big Nasty Hill Climb this weekend. Matt is the defending Champion from 2008 in the 450 Class. He's back and I will be contesting in the 250 Class. Come out and say Hello...

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Idaho State Motocross Series Round #7

Round #7 of the Idaho State Championship Series was held at Rock Creek Raceway in Kimberly, Idaho. What a great race track and facility. Its hard to beat a small town race track, there are just so many things that seem to personalize the event with heart and desire from the promoters to the fans and the racers alike.
The weather turned out great, the skies were overcast most of the weekend which helped to tame the heat and make it enjoyable.
Well one thing I noticed during this round is that I have stepped my performance up a notch and feel like I was riding very well but I soon figured out that at this point in the series my competition has stepped it up too. It turned out to be another hard fought weekend. I rode two classes and had overall finishes of 2nd, 3rd and 4th for the weekend. My Project Filter backed YZ250F was running great and I had some really good battles. In one moto I went from second to fourth and then back to third. There were four of us that were freight training around the track with no more than a bike lenght between us. It was a great race weekend.
The Smokefree83 Team had just come from the Western Idaho Fair from Friday where we had race fans and program supporters sign our bikes. It was a good feeling knowing that I had several new members on the team riding with me.
We are headed into the eight and final round of the series on the 12th of September, to be held at Owyhee Motorcycle Club in Boise, Idaho. Hope to see ya there.........................................

Friday, August 28, 2009

Western Idaho Fair

The Smokefree83 Team had the privilage of setting up the Project Filter booth and displaying the bikes and race car at the Western Idaho Fair. What a great experience! This gave us a chance to connect with some of our fans and also talk with several fair goers about the program. It was a scorcher at almost 100 degrees but we were able to stay pretty cool under the big canopy.

We just had the graphics replaced on the bikes so they were looking great. We had several people sign their names on the bikes so that they are now a part of the Smokefree83 Team and can frequent the winners circle with us.

Thank You for stopping buy and saying hello and Thank You to Project Filter for providing all of the oportunities and for the awesome program.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Washougal National Motocross

I attended the Washougal, Washington National Motocross held 25, 26 July. It was incredible. There were about 900 riders for the two days of racing and 25K spectators. The professional racing on Saturday was spectacular, the weather was great and the Washougal landscape provides for a breathtaking experience in Motocross.

There was a full gate of 40 riders in my class, it is a little intimidating heading into the first turn with 39 other riders. I got a great start the first moto, I was in sixth place as we got through the first two turns and headed up what they call Horsepower Hill. The Washougal track is a National track, it is long, rough and challenging. I faded a little to end up finishing tenth for the moto. I was happy with the finish but I knew I could improve in the second.

I got another good start in the second moto but made a really dumb mistake after the first turn; I clipped the back wheel of another rider and went down hard. I felt a bike land on me and I thought, great I caused another rider to wreck, but as I looked up, I saw the number 83 and realized it was my bike that was on top of me. Good thing is, since the bike landed on me, it didn’t tear up my graphics.

So, I got out from underneath the bike, fired it up, straightened out the levers and was off and running.......40th place. I caught up to the pack and worked my way around 24 riders to end up 16th for the moto.

I ended up getting a plaque for twelfth overall.

It was an awesome experience………………
(Check out the pics: #22 is Chad Reed the National Motocross 450 class points leader)

Friday, July 17, 2009

Idaho State Championship Motocross Series, Round #6

Round #6 of the Idaho State Motocross Championship Series was hosted by White Knuckle Racing and held in Mountain Home, Idaho, at the Optimist Park. What an outstanding weekend, Tag and Robin are always organized and put on the best quality races in the area. The Mountain Home track is very challenging for the riders and great for the spectators because you can sit in the bleachers or walk out on the bridge and see the entire track.

The Smokefree83 Team traveled down on Friday to take advantage of the test and tune day and get a jump on some of the competition. Practice went well; Matt and I were both riding good and felt comfortable on the Supercross style track.

Saturday morning the races started right on time and I was in the first moto of the day. As usual my Project Filter YZ250F was right on the mark as I shot out of the gate to take the lead in my class. I held the lead for two laps and fell back to second place, I was feeling a little off the mark and figured it was better to play it safe and go for a win in the second moto. I did win the second moto to take the overall on Saturday.

Matt gave us a pretty big scare in his second moto on Saturday but you’ll have to read his blog to get the details.

Sunday was another great day, I went 1 – 1 in both motos to take the overall on Sunday as well. I will move into round seven still in the points lead for the series.

Mountain Home was an excellent round, the track is difficult and some riders don’t prefer it but I thought it was a good experience. The Idaho State Championship Series covers seven different tracks around the state, each one is unique in its own way and each one tests riders skills in different areas.

I would like to say “Thank You” to Project Filter for the support, the program is outstanding. The Smokefree83 Team handed out several boxes of Project Filter promotional items, our presence at the event was recognized and appreciated.

We have a little bit of a break in the series; the next round is scheduled for the last weekend in August in Kimberly, Idaho. I am headed to Washougal Washington in between to compete in an amateur national event and take in one day of the AMA Outdoor Motocross Professional Nationals. I am excited, Washougal is an amazing experience.

See ya in Kimberly…………….

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Idaho State Championship Motocross Series, Round #5.

Round #5 was in Idaho Falls at the Noise Park Raceway. We arrived at the track on Friday morning, there was some cloud cover but the weather was nice, at least for the first couple of hours. Practice was underway and everything was going great until that big black cloud that has been following us through the series tracked us down. Once again the skies opened up and let us have it, it poured down unbelievably hard for about an hour and then started to hail. Needless to say, practice was over……
I was worried that the races might be canceled for Saturday but the track crew at Noise Park kept working the track until it was rideable. It was a little slippery for practice but the sun came out and blessed us with a good weekend.
I decided to ride two classes at Idaho Falls, I wanted to mix things up a bit and enjoy some unfamiliar competition. In my main class I finished second the first moto and in the added class I finished third. I studied the track during the break between the first and second motos and decided since it was so tight that I would try a little bit different strategy for the second round. As always my Project Filter backed YZ250F shot me out of the hole with a great start. I was in first place with second hot on my heels the entire moto, I rode a smart race by protecting the inside lines and keeping a cool head. I won the second moto, which in turn gave me the overall victory for the day. In my second class I finished third again which set me at third overall. It was a great day.
I wasn’t sure that I wanted to ride both classes on Sunday, I was a little worn out but Saturday went so well that I decided to go for it again. I came out swinging in the first moto of my regular class and took the moto win to start the day. I got the holeshot in the second class but faded back to forth to finish the moto. The competition was tough. In the second motos I finished second in my main class for a second overall on the day and in my added class I stepped it up to a third place finish to give me another third overall for the second day in a row. Wow, there was a lot going on…… Eight motos in two days, for overall finishes of 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 3rd. Matt’s bike was broke so we both rode the 250F for twelve motos of action.
Overall the weekend was awesome. Idaho Falls has a nice racing facility and the people were great. It was a good experience riding the added class, I think it helped me to stay warmed up and in the groove. Stay tuned for the next round which is in Mountain Home, I will ride both classes again, at least on Saturday….
We left Idaho Falls on Monday morning for a family trip to the Lagoon, in Utah, it was a nice break and we had a great time.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Idaho State Championship Motocross Series, Round #4.

Round four of the series was held at the Minadoka Fair Grounds in Rupert Idaho. The motocross track in Rupert was built inside of the horse racing track, this is a super nice setup with full water capabilities and a grassy pit area. Needless to say with all of the rain that we have been getting, the water system did not have to be exercised.

Friday practice was slick and slimy; it had rained in the days prior to the races. The track layout was really different; it was tight with a lot of seemingly odd obstacles. A lot of riders were having difficulties with their timing, me included, it took several laps just to learn the layout.

Saturday was a tough day. This was probably my toughest day so far on the circuit. We got a break from the rain Friday night and the track was actually pretty good for the first round of motos on Saturday. I was struggling with the track layout and could not seem to get myself in sync. In the first moto I started out in third, I quickly worked myself to first but it was short lived. I got sideways in a set of deep rollers and nearly went off of the track, I dropped back to forth. I kept the pressure on third throughout the moto and was planning a hard charge on the last lap. All of the sudden I came around and was given the checkered flag? Evidently I missed the white flag, I was thinking I had one more lap but that wasn’t the case.

The first motos were complete and a black cloud rolled in. Mother Nature dealt us a Torrential down poor. There was about six inches of standing water on the track and the second motos were canceled. Some of the riders were upset about the cancelation but it was to the point of being very dangerous. It was a good call.

We had a little luck rolling on Sunday, it was cloudy all day but we didn’t get any more rain and were able to continue racing. In the first moto I started out second and was in the fight for first when all of the sudden hear comes third in a tight slimy corner. He came in to hot and tried an inside pass on me, unfortunately he hit the ground in front of me causing me to go down also. That’s Racin! We both got up and headed for the finish line. I ended up third in the moto.

The second moto was a little cleaner and the sun was out, Yeah! I started off in second place and held it through the entire moto. My 3 – 2 finishes put me second overall for the day.

I wouldn’t say that Rupert was my favorite track but it was good experience. I am still in the points lead for the series and I am excited to move on to the next round. See ya at Noise Park in Idaho Falls…………………..

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Round #3 Idaho State Championship Motocross Series

We were Smoke Free in Salmon Idaho for Round Three of the Idaho State Championship Motocross Series ( 16, 17 May).

The Races were held at the Sacajawea Motosports Park, in Salmon Idaho.

What a great weekend! We had a little trouble on the trip up as my partner Matt hit a deer with his vehicle, just outside of Stanley. The good news is, noone was hurt and we were able to pull together and get the Smokefree83 Team to Salmon in one piece.

The weather was beautiful, it was about 85 degrees and sunny all weekend. Perfect racing weather.

The track at Salmon is challenging to say the least. The motto at their track is "Go Big or Go Home". The track is huge, it is nice and wide with rolling hills and the lap times are almost three minutes. They have a set of whoops that make you grit your teeth every time you go through them and a big rhythm jump section that they call the six pack. They say they have the biggest track in Idaho, with the biggest jumps and the biggest whoops. It was fun.

It was the perfect race weekend for me. My Project Filter backed Yamaha YZ250F was running great at the higher elevation and had no problems roosting the 450s as we made our way around the track. I won both motos on Saturday and both on Sunday for the overall wins both days. I am excited because these wins put me in the points lead for the series.

There were alot of spectators out enoying the weather and we were able to talk with several people about Project Filter and our campaign for Idaho to be Smoke Free. The weather, the people and the races were great. Thank You to the all the volunteers of the Salmon Motocross Association for your hard work in making it a successful race weekend.

The next round is in Rupert, Idaho on 13, 14 June. See ya there.........................

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Round #2 Idaho State Motocross Series

Round 2 of the Idaho State Motocross Championship Series was held in beautiful Glenns Ferry, Idaho. The weather was a little cloudy, a little windy and a little cold but that’s Racin….

The Smokefree83 Team traveled down on Friday to take advantage of the test and tune practice day. The track was in good race ready condition and Matt and I were able to put a few laps in together while preparing for the weekends races.
The track was tight and technical, Matt and I shared some strategies and showed each other a couple different line options.

In the first moto on Saturday I rounded the first turn in second place, I quickly passed for
the lead but was unable to run away. I held the lead for a tough two laps. I got passed twice and ended up coming across the finish line in third. In the second moto I got the
holeshot and held a good lead for the first three laps. Second place wasn’t about to let me
go and we nearly traded paint as he finally got around me in a tight corner. I was unable
to get him back and ended up finishing second in the moto. That put me second overall
on the day which was a little boost in the points and earned a nice trophy as well.

Moto one on Easter Sunday was a little rough. I started out in fourth and passed for third
quickly so that I did not lose sight of the leaders. I was having a tough moto, I blew a
corner, nearly kissed my front fender and laid it over in a tight turn. Needless to say I
finished outside of the top three but I made it through it all unharmed. I refocused and
came out for moto two with a vengeance. Once again the Project Filter Yamaha shot me
to the front of the pack as I grabbed the holeshot. As always my competition was fierce
and we freight trained around the tight Glenn’s Ferry track. I stayed in the fight and
ended up finishing second in the moto. I ended up third overall on the day.

All together it was a great Easter weekend at the races. Motocross is a family sport and it
showed on Sunday as we all gathered during intermission for an egg toss competition and
Easter egg hunt for the kids. Matt and his egg toss partner Zac, from the Smokefree83
Team, won the egg toss competition.

Thank You to Project Filter for the support and the incredible opportunity to help in the
fight against Tobacco use, it is making a difference………….

Round #3 in Salmon Idaho, See Ya there.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Idaho State Championship Series: Round One - Boise, ID

Idaho State Championship Series: Round One, 21, 22 March, 2009.

This weekend I raced in the first round of the Idaho State Championship Motocross Series. The first round was held at Boise’s own, “Owyhee Motorcycle Club”. This is the first of eight, two day rounds that will have me traveling to various locations throughout Idaho.

The action started on Friday afternoon. Fridays are open practice day for all of the riders. This
allows us to get a few laps in on the track, test and tune and get some of the kinks worked out
prior to the first gate drop on Saturday morning. It was a beautiful 70 degrees and sunny and the track was is excellent condition. I was riding my 2009 Project Filter backed YZ250F. This was only my third ride on the bike so I spent the afternoon getting comfortable with the set up of the machine as well as studying the track. Everything went well and by the end of the session I was feeling really comfortable.

Saturday morning was an early start; the gates opened at 6:00 am and first practice was scheduled to begin at 7:00. This practice allows the riders to take a couple of laps, after the track
is prepped, to find out if there were any changes made and to get the blood pumping for the
day. It was a great turn out for the first round. There were right around four hundred riders,
some traveling from as far away as Salmon, Idaho.

We are seated into classes based upon how we sign up on our entry forms. The classes are
available and determined by, the size of bike that you ride, your age and your ability. In this case the four hundred riders were broken down into twenty two classes, or twenty two motos as they
are called. Once the schedule is set, we each prepare to ride two motos for the day. This is the
reason for the, “early bird”, start. With this many races, the events can run well into the evening
and they have to be over before it gets dark.

I was scheduled for moto #5, I like being in one of the first motos because I am always anxious to get the first one going and the track is always in better shape at the beginning of the program.
The butterflies were going pretty good as I worked my way to the start line. As I waited in the
staging area I had several people ask me about the Project Filter logos on the bike, which gave
me the opportunity to share some information about the program.

Before I knew it, the gate was up, the thirty second board was sideways and I was off and
running for my first race of the day. I came out of the first turn in second place, my Project
Filter Yamaha was running great. I was having a little trouble getting into the groove, I bought a
new neck brace and the helmet that I was wearing was not working well with the brace. It really
limited my maneuverability. My wife, Ann, told me after the moto that I didn’t look as loose
and comfortable as I usually do. I faded a little, to finish fourth. I was happy with the ride and
just figured that I needed to turn the heat up for the next moto.

Like I said, it is great to ride in one of the first motos but it all works out the same because
everyone has to wait several hours for the second moto. In motocross, everyone rides two motos for the day. A specific order is set and each class is ran through the first round of motos, a short
intermission is given to all the track workers and then the order starts over for the second round of motos.

For the second moto I made a few adjustments, changed helmets and came out with my race face on. My Project Filter Yamaha jetted me to the front of the pack right off the start and I led for the first two laps. The competition was fierce and the pressure was on. I ended up finishing
fourth in the moto. My combined score for the day put me in third overall for the finish. It was
a long day of racing, I left the enclosed trailer at the track and headed home for a hot shower about 7:30 pm.

Saturday evening Mother nature decided to open up the skies and let it rain. When I awoke Sunday morning it was pouring down. Motocross is a tough sport and events are very rarely
cancelled because of inclement weather. I arrived at the track about 6:30 am and discovered that the plan was made to run the winter track because the track that we rode Saturday was
completely flooded from the rain. The winter track is mostly sand, deep sand and sits on a South
facing slope which allows for riding and racing throughout most of the winter months. Practice
was delayed an hour for track preparation, which no one complained because it was needed. The
race order is switched on Sundays to give the classes that had to ride later in the schedule a
chance to ride at the front of the program.

Since I was in the fifth moto on Saturday, I was scheduled for the eighteenth moto for Sundays program. Mother Nature threw a little bit of everything at us; it was a quite a bit colder on Sunday and we had more rain, wind, a little hail and clouds most of the day. There were a few riders that threw in the towel, they loaded there toys and left but the SmokeFree83 Team was fired up and remained on scene.

My first moto got underway about 1230. The cement start pad was wet from the rain and I got
quite a bit of wheel spin out of the hole but still managed to pull a decent start as we barreled up
the 200 yard sandy uphill straight on the winter track. I felt good and it was a solid moto with a
firm fourth place finish.

The second moto came quickly; the races always seem to go faster on Sunday afternoon. I lined
up on the inside of the start gate, the sun helped us out a little bit and things were beginning to
dry up. I got a good start and avoided a major pile up as we headed up the sandy uphill. I was
running in second place and seemed to be closing on the leader, there were several of us that
were freight training around the track together. I came in to a tight, deep rutted sandy corner a
little to fast and as I hit the rear brake my timing was off. The bike stalled in the middle of the
corner. Two riders shot around me as I tried to restart my bike (four strokes can be a little
temperamental when they are hot). A full lap had almost gone, by the time I got back in the
action but I held it together for a fifth place finish, “That’s Racin”. I finished out the day with a
fourth overall. Round One is over and “WOW”, what an incredible weekend. I was proud to be
in representation of Project Filter and I am looking forward to a great season.

Round Two has the Smokefree83 Team traveling to Glenns Ferry, Idaho. It is said that the sun always shines in Glenns Ferry and I know that they always put on a great race so I am looking forward to it…….