Sunday, September 13, 2009

Idaho State Motocross Series Final Round

The eighth and final round of the Idaho State Championship Series is officially over. I am proud to announce that I am the 2009 Idaho State Champion in the Over 40B Class that I participated in throughout this season.
This final round was held at Owyhee Motorcycle Club in Boise. It was a one day event to seat all the qualified riders for their final awards and allow some participants that were still battleing for points to have it out.
It was a great turn out of riders and spectators to watch some great racing come to an end. It was an awesome finish to an excellent season of motocross racing.
I would like to thank all of you who came out to the races and all who were pulling for the Smokefree83 team throughout this season. We could not have done it without you.
I would also like to thank my wife Ann and our children for coming out to the races with me. They endured the dust and dirt, rain and wind and even a little sunshine from time to time with no complaints. Motocross is a family sport and it is alot more fun and rewarding having your family involved. I wouldn't do it any other way. Thank You Ann, Nate, Emily, Lindsay, Elyssa, and Mallory. You are awesome!
Thank You "Project Filter" for sponsoring me. Project Filter is an outstanding program and is a huge asset to the State of Idaho in a widespread battle to be Smoke Free. The program is amazing and the people within the organization are very professional and easy to work with. I am proud to represent Project Filter and I look forward to next season with you...
So, Big Nasty Anyone? Yes, the Project Filter Smokefree83 Team is headed to the Big Nasty Hill Climb this weekend. Matt is the defending Champion from 2008 in the 450 Class. He's back and I will be contesting in the 250 Class. Come out and say Hello...

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