Monday, June 22, 2009

Idaho State Championship Motocross Series, Round #4.

Round four of the series was held at the Minadoka Fair Grounds in Rupert Idaho. The motocross track in Rupert was built inside of the horse racing track, this is a super nice setup with full water capabilities and a grassy pit area. Needless to say with all of the rain that we have been getting, the water system did not have to be exercised.

Friday practice was slick and slimy; it had rained in the days prior to the races. The track layout was really different; it was tight with a lot of seemingly odd obstacles. A lot of riders were having difficulties with their timing, me included, it took several laps just to learn the layout.

Saturday was a tough day. This was probably my toughest day so far on the circuit. We got a break from the rain Friday night and the track was actually pretty good for the first round of motos on Saturday. I was struggling with the track layout and could not seem to get myself in sync. In the first moto I started out in third, I quickly worked myself to first but it was short lived. I got sideways in a set of deep rollers and nearly went off of the track, I dropped back to forth. I kept the pressure on third throughout the moto and was planning a hard charge on the last lap. All of the sudden I came around and was given the checkered flag? Evidently I missed the white flag, I was thinking I had one more lap but that wasn’t the case.

The first motos were complete and a black cloud rolled in. Mother Nature dealt us a Torrential down poor. There was about six inches of standing water on the track and the second motos were canceled. Some of the riders were upset about the cancelation but it was to the point of being very dangerous. It was a good call.

We had a little luck rolling on Sunday, it was cloudy all day but we didn’t get any more rain and were able to continue racing. In the first moto I started out second and was in the fight for first when all of the sudden hear comes third in a tight slimy corner. He came in to hot and tried an inside pass on me, unfortunately he hit the ground in front of me causing me to go down also. That’s Racin! We both got up and headed for the finish line. I ended up third in the moto.

The second moto was a little cleaner and the sun was out, Yeah! I started off in second place and held it through the entire moto. My 3 – 2 finishes put me second overall for the day.

I wouldn’t say that Rupert was my favorite track but it was good experience. I am still in the points lead for the series and I am excited to move on to the next round. See ya at Noise Park in Idaho Falls…………………..

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