Sunday, June 3, 2012

2012 Thunder Mountain Motocross Series Round #3 Kimberly, ID

Well I’m pretty sure I wrote in my blog after the Rupert mud race that it was the knarliest (yes, knarliest is a word, lol) mud race I had ever ridden……. Kimberly, this weekend, topped it! In fact I vote that we change the name of the Idaho Thunder Mountain Motocross Series to the Idaho Mudcross Series. When Matt and I left on Friday morning we were bummed because it was pouring down rain here in Boise. But, as we headed east we eventually drove out of it and Friday afternoon at the track was awesome. Kimberly was not on the series schedule last year so we were really excited to ride it this time around. As Matt and I were unloading and setting up, a gentlemen came over and said, “Hey, we know who you guys are and what you do and we think it’s great, my boys would like to meet you”. So of course we welcomed them over, signed some cards and handed out some footballs. The cool thing about it is, these kids set the stage for a Smoke Free community in the future. They get it, using tobacco doesn’t make you cool and it certainly won’t help your lap times out on the track! I had others approach me over the weekend asking for info on free resources to help them quit. It’s cool to think that we might have helped make a change for the future of their great community out in Kimberly. So, as we were loaded up Friday afternoon the black clouds started to roll in. It poured down rain Friday night and most of the morning on Saturday. The track was a mess, to say the least. The track was basically unrideable. Here’s the cool thing about Motocrossers though; Motocrossers have a ton of heart and desire for their sport…. When things get tough, we toughen up! I really don’t think anyone was excited to ride but we all did it anyway. It’s kind of a bummer when you think about all of the preparation; planning and hard work and money that goes into setting up one of these events and to then have it canceled because of rain just really stinks. So, in Motocross, generally you run it and make the best of the situation. That’s what we did. It was actually kind of comical at times, we were all slip, sliding around and most were on the ground several times. No one got hurt and if a mud bath really is good for you, we all had our fair share. I ended up winning the Over 40 Class both days and posted up second and third place finishes in the Over 30’s. The only thing I can say is we got through it and they say it builds character. Congratulations to all that competed! Thank You Project Filter for the opportunity to make a difference and for your support for the Team, we are all blessed to be a part of the program. The next round is in Preston! I’m praying for Sunshine!

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