Sunday, May 16, 2010

Idaho State Championship Motocross Series Rnd #4, 15, 16 May 2010

The Smokefree83/Project Filter Team. Ed, Matt, Danielle.

Shane Kipper.

John Kipper.

The Smokefree83/Project Filter Motocross Team made the trip to Salmon Idaho this past weekend for Round #4 of the State Series.

This was, by far, the most mentally and physically challenging race weekend that I have had throughout the State Series Races. Salmon offers a long, rough, hard-packed, dry, dusty and difficult pure motocross track. The Salmon motto is, “Go Big or Go Home”. Last year they had a set of jumps called the six-pack that sent a few riders to the hospital. This year they turned them into a set of doubles that were doable but challenging. I did the doubles in my first two motos but I was having some trouble with them. It became a mental challenge for me as I cased them three times and almost experienced a trip over the handlebars. I decided it was in my best interest to roll the first one and clear the second, which was very frustrating for me.

Another mental challenge I faced was watching my best friend’s son (Shane Kipper) being loaded into the ambulance after a violent crash that put his foot peg through the side of his leg. His dad, John and I were sitting on the start line because our moto was the next one up. Needless to say John did not ride because he accompanied Shane on the ambulance ride. I rode the moto with a heavy heart. One thing that really touched me is that my daughter Emily came up to me and said, “Daddy, please don’t ride this one”, I told her I would be ok and she said “I know because I already prayed for you”…

The event signified once again that motocross is a family sport; it even goes deeper than family, the camaraderie throughout the community is awesome. The word had spread throughout the pits about Shane and several people were asking about his status, they were truly concerned. We found out that nothing was broken but he had to have surgery on his leg and would have to spend the night in the Salmon hospital.
The event also signified the fact that motocross is a very dangerous sport. I have been asked many times why I do it and all I can say is that I love the sport, the challenges and the competition. It is just like any other sport in the fact that it is that one good start, that one perfect lap, that really cool jump and that one good finish that keeps you coming back for more.
So, I ended up finishing with a 2nd, 3rd, 5th and 5th overall, which I didn’t consider to be too bad for a rough weekend.

As I thought a little deeper about the weekend and the challenges that I made it through, I began to think about all of the people that have approached me and have asked about Project Filter. They always say the same thing, “I sure would like to quit”. I would challenge all of you to bring heart and desire into your decision to quit. Accept the challenge, the end result is worth the fight. The benefits to quitting are huge and it is so awesome that there is a program like Project Filter available.

I personally support a healthy life style and I know I could not overcome the battles that I face on the racetrack if I used Tobacco, “It would slow me down”. So, to all of you who have said you would like to quit, “What are you waiting for”? You tell us when and we’ll show you how…

Next Race, Clarkia Idaho. We’re headed North so stay tuned…

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