Thursday, June 10, 2010

Gowen Field Health and Safety Fair 9 June, 2010

Pig Lung Demonstration.

Ed n Ann

The National Guard Patriot Chopper.

Wow! What a cool experience. Dani and I headed out to Gowen Field to represent the Smokefree83/ Project Filter Team at the 2010 Gowen Field Health and Safety Fair Day. This is a designated day for Gowen Field Military members and their families to celebrate, learn and share about health and safety concerns. It is a chance to connect as family, friends, teams and co-workers in an effort to promote healthier, safer, life styles to be shared by all.

This is where we came in, since that is exactly what we do in representation of the Project Filter Program. We support the fight for a smoke free Idaho and a healthier life style to be enjoyed and shared throughout our communities.

We talked with several Military Members, young, older, present and retired who made that same old statement, “I Sure Would like to Quit”. We let them know what Project Filter is all about, the resources that are available and that help is as easy as picking up the phone or going to the website. One thing that really helped us today was having the visual aid of actual pig lungs that were prepared to show the devastating effects that smoking has on the lungs themselves. We showed the comparison of a smoker’s lungs to that of healthy pink non-smokers lungs. This comparison really opened some eyes and sent several people away from the booth with literature in hand and with the intent of using the program. It also helped to confirm for many of our patrons, again, young and older that they do not ever want to smoke.

I feel like this was a very beneficial event, even though the military has made specific efforts to discourage soldiers from using tobacco it is evident that it is still a wide spread concern. I am glad to have this opportunity to educate people on the negative effects of the habit and to be able to show them that help is available.

Thanks to all of you who stopped by the booth and Thank You to Project Filter for offering this program in support for a Smoke Free Idaho!

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