Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Idaho State Thunder Mountain Series Round #3, Preston, Idaho 4-5 June 2011

Over five hundred riders from five states came together this weekend for Round #3 of the Thunder Mountain Series. The Project Filter Motocross Team was on scene for the action and I must say there was plenty to be had.

This was my first trip to Preston Idaho (Preston is the home town of the Napoleon Dynamite movie filming). What a cool little town nestled in a picturesque valley. The Cache Motocross Track was located out in the middle of the farming community and was carved out of probably the best riding dirt that I have ever seen. The dirt was tacky and loamy all weekend long, which makes for some ultimate traction action. Although, this track is very technical because that tacky, loamy dirt also makes for some of the knarliest (yes knarliest is a word in motocross) ruts I have ever experienced. The weather was perfect, it was a steady 70 degrees and sunny all weekend.

Ok, so the weather is awesome the track is good and after Fridays test and tune, I felt great. I woke up Saturday morning to a unbelievable stomach flu, I felt terrible and along with the stomach issue came some serious body aches. I didn’t know how I was going to ride. I made it through practice and actually through my first moto which to my surprise, I won. As the day went on I felt worse, I had about a four hour break between my first and second motos and I laid out on the floor of the trailer and slept for about two. I made it up to the start line and just before we were getting set to launch I felt it coming, I asked Nate to hold my bike and I walked behind the line up and hurled out of the bottom of my helmet, I know TMI right. I jumped back on the bike and the gate dropped.

Despite the way that I felt I was able to pull off a win for the day in my over forty class and held on for a mid pack finish in the over thirty. Sunday I felt a little better but I hadn’t been able to eat at all and my body was incredibly week. I actually thought about sitting the day out but that’s not my style. I dug deep and held on for a second place finish in the over forty and again mid pack in the over thirty.

The weekend really made me think about why we do things and what we are willing to do for something that is important to us, even though it might be very challenging and a little uncomfortable. Ive got to tell ya, I was pretty darn uncomfortable working my way through the eight motos that I rode but when it was all over, I knew I had done the right thing by sticking with it and I sure felt better knowing that I had. It’s just like kicking the tobacco habit, it’s not easy and is probably going to be a little uncomfortable to get through but you will be glad that you did and you’ll feel great knowing that you accomplished something that you set your mind to.

It’s always fun to travel to new places; people are always interested in Project Filter and asking what we are all about. I would like to thank the Thunder Mountain crew for taking care of us at the races, they always make sure the Project Filter Team has a good spot to set up and that we are visible. They do a great job of recognizing our presence and letting everyone know that we are on scene.

Overall it was a successful weekend, we got to throw some dirt, we all got through it unharmed and we made it home safe…. Thank You Project Filter!

Next Race, Salmon Idaho, last year was brutal; we’ll see what they have in store for us this year…

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