Thursday, July 7, 2011

Thunder Mountain Motocross Series, Salmon Idaho - 2, 3 July 2011

The Project Filter Motocross Team traveled to Salmon Idaho to celebrate the 4th of July weekend with the Lemhi County Community and at the annual Salmon Motocross. It’s always a great trip to Salmon, the scenery is great and their Motocross Community is always glad to have us. The Sacajawea Motocross Club is an all volunteer force made up of people that do it for the love of the sport. The Salmon track is pure motocross. The track is notoriously, dry, slick and brutally rough this time of year. The volunteer track crew does the best that they can with limited resources. Another cool thing about this race is it draws quite a few riders from Montana and it gives us a chance to mix it up with some different competition.

The Salmon Motocross motto is “Go Big or Go Home”, which is in reference to the big air jumps that they have on the track. They have a knarly set of doubles that claims someone every year, a big downhill that gives you the opportunity to fly over one hundred feet, if you can, and a table top that launches you into orbit, if you dare. They’re fun; you just have to keep them into perspective. I watched two of my Vet buddies go away this weekend, one with some possible broken ribs and the other hobbling on a swollen knee. I was able to keep it under control and rubber side down.

As usual my Project Filter backed KX450F was running awesome, it was in the 90’s over the weekend and I was feeling great myself. I actually prefer racing in the heat. Part of my training for motocross is running and I always wait to run in the heat of the day, it helps to get me ready for these 90 degree race days. I raced in my two classes over the two days and won all eight motos that I rode. I take care of my body so that I can do the things that I love and that I am able to perform at a competitive level in this sport. There are a lot of Vet guys that don’t ride two classes because it is so physically demanding. I know, without a doubt that my body would not be able to perform at this level if I was under the truly Negative effects of tobacco.

I had a couple of great conversations with people about Project Filter, the programs that are available and the resources that are offered to help them quit. I talked with one person that I met last year, he hasn’t quit yet but he still wants to and he says he’s ready, he said he wants to be able to do more things with his kids. He sounded completely disgusted with the habit and I’m confident that he is going to do it; I’m going to check up on him in Rupert.

The next round of the series is in two weeks in Rupert, Idaho. Thanks for being a part of the team and I hope to see ya there………